Your Grief Journey

The journey towards living with grief begins on the path of self-love.
Begin your journey today.

I don’t believe you get over grief. I do believe that sharing our stories of grief allow us to experience the emotion of grief. It is a necessary part of the journey, when you experience loss. Unfortunately, our society has not embraced grief. We are a death-denying culture, and that makes it hard to share our grief with others.

Sharing your journey is an important part of the grief process. Your grief journey is part of who you are, and forever will be. It’s time we name our grief, acknowledge it’s presence, and learn how to live with our grief.


Meet Beth

Founder, Daughters Without Moms

Fellow Griever since 1983

2020 was a year to remember for our whole country, but mine started with the loss of my sister in January, after an almost 10-year battle with breast cancer. I became the last person alive in my immediate family. Then I turned 50 the weekend the country shutdown in March, and an ongoing pandemic. 

Processing the loss of my sister while working from home with less distractions from outside activities gave me a lot of time to think, research, and think some more. I realized that I’d never really allowed myself to grieve the loss of my mom in 1983. Realistically, how do you do that as a 13-year old?

I’m a Daughter Without a Mom, a Daughter Without a Dad, and a Sister Without a Sister. I want to provide a space for people to be together on their grief journey. You are welcome here, and I hope that you find connections that offer you hope and help.

In addition to being a life-long griever, these are my other qualifications:

MBA from Winthrop University
Co-Facilitator of Women in Family Business Leadership Group
Total Quality Master Facilitator for AlliedSignal
Mom of 3 amazing kids and married for 28 years

Note: I am not a therapist or licensed counselor.


What was your biggest take-away from the sharing your story?

Getting to connect with other women that share my pain. It has been truly rewarding to hear about the experiences the other ladies had. This definitely allowed me to open up more and to think about everything in a different way.

Giving myself grace. In our world today it is easy to get caught up on the go, go, go and it is so important to sit back and give yourself grace through whatever season of life you may be in. One day you lose your mom and the next you’re 20 years down the line. Sharing my story allowed me to open up my mind to a side of myself I was not allowing myself to open up to and I am so glad I did it!

Hurt comes in all shapes and sizes- mine is not worse or better than someone else’s. If you’re hurting over the loss of your mom, if you have pushed it down to deal with it another day- this community will give you space and direction for overcoming the hurt and turning your pain into grace.


This podcast will provide a safe space to share our stories of grief, hope and resilience! We will also discuss ways to use grace, grit and growth, so that we can live with our grief.

To read Beth’s blogs, visit the Thoughts and Things tab at the top of the page.