What was your biggest take-away from the sharing your story?
Getting to connect with other women that share my pain. It has been truly rewarding to hear about the experiences the other ladies had. This definitely allowed me to open up more and to think about everything in a different way.
Giving myself grace. In our world today it is easy to get caught up on the go, go, go and it is so important to sit back and give yourself grace through whatever season of life you may be in. One day you lose your mom and the next you’re 20 years down the line. Sharing my story allowed me to open up my mind to a side of myself I was not allowing myself to open up to and I am so glad I did it!
Hurt comes in all shapes and sizes- mine is not worse or better than someone else’s. If you’re hurting over the loss of your mom, if you have pushed it down to deal with it another day- this community will give you space and direction for overcoming the hurt and turning your pain into grace.